Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya memita kepad ateman untuk di invite google plus, sama seperti waktu saya mendaftar gmail, layanan email dari google, saya juga meminta kepad ateman untuk di invite daftar gmail nya. Google plus yang di kembangkan oleh google untuk menyaingi kepopuleran Facebook yang semakin hari semakin berkembang. ternyata bisnis di jejaring sosila sangat menjanjikan sehingga google mau berinvestasi besar di layan sosial miliknya, yaitu google plus.
Kita pemakai ini kapan ya bisa seperti mereka,...
Bagi yang ingin meminta di invite google plus silahkan koment dengan menyertakan alamat emailnya, Insya Alla akan di invite,...
Google+ is one of the social networking sit.Its also with so many strong services and applications with circles which i like the most.
It is informative post. Google+ makes connecting on the web more like connecting in the real world. It is one of the best social networking site.
Google+ is very impressive and informative product. We launched a brand new community to help people gain access to Google Plus. I just created a Google+ account from an invitation of my friend.
Google plus is the develop by the google to rival the popularity of the facebook.Which increasingly growing.It will be turn in the network business is very promising.
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Google plus is very latest and one of the best social networking sit. I want create a Google+ account from an invitation of my friend. I impressed by that post.