Intrusion incident three unknown persons into the VIP room Lotte Hotel, Seoul, where the Indonesian delegation to stay, become a big concern in South Korea. Moreover, so-called, which was stolen military data are confidential.
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Djoko Suyanto Republic has denied any military data stolen. "There is no data Indonesian military secrets are brought to Korea," Djoko said in a short message to the VIVAnews.com, Monday, February 21, 2011.
He explained, RI delegation's mission to South Korea consists of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Hatta Rajasa, Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat; Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu, Head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Gita Wirjawan; and Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, no connection with the defense.
Djoko said, they are to Korea to present the plan six economic corridor will be developed for the acceleration of development in Indonesia. Indonesia offered to cooperate with Korea - as has been done with Japan and India. Moreover, "The 'stolen', is the laptop of staff of the Minister of Industry," said Djoko.
Secretary of Defense as a member of the delegation, said Djoko, do not carry any data about the Indonesian military. "News of the Indonesian military secret theft that is not true," he said.
Data theft incident occurred on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, in the VIP room Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul, South Korea. A delegation of staff caught three intruders - two men and a woman - is downloading data from a laptop using USB. The three fled to the area immediately surrounding Seoul city hall.
As reported by Yonhap, the police are investigating the identity of the three intruders claimed to trouble, because CCTV footage that made reference, is blurred. However, police suspect the action was carefully planned. The perpetrators were targeting the rooms are located on the 19th floor. (Kd)
Some speculation milling. Some media linked the theft to the South Korean plan to sell the plane supersonic T-50 Golden Eagle to the countries of Southeast Asia.
In fact, a local media, the Chosun Ilbo quoted a source, that the alleged perpetrator is a South Korean spies from intelligence agency or the National Intelligence Service (NIS). But it denied the spy hard. "We did not do it. The report was not true," said one of the NIS agents, such as loaded Yonhap, Monday, February 21, 2011
Power By VivaNews. com
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