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Scarcity of fuel in Pontianak More Severe

Hundreds of two-wheeled vehicles and four fuel queue at some public refueling stations in the city of Pontianak, on Monday night.

Vehicle queue length is about one hundred meters occurred at the pump Jl. Sutan Syahrir , Jl Teuku Umar, and three gas stations at JL Ahmad Yani, as well as several other locations.

All gas stations since lunch until well into the night still remained closed due to run out of fuel and have not received the supply from Pertamina.

Pertamina on Monday (07/03/2011), morning said it will soon overcome the shortage that occurred with the supplying of fuel to the pump.

A resident Street Sutan Syahrir, Rachael, said it lined up since noon at the gas station near his residence, but the vehicle has not been getting fuel. "From the day has been queued, but can not," he said.

He also said that the stalls are not selling gasoline again. Kota Baru, Pontianak District South, had a total loss due to queue of vehicles at the pump a length of more than 100 meters.

A number of motorists were also seen pushing vehicles driven by out of gas.

On Sunday, vehicles line up at gas stations have to buy pertamax that cost twice the price premium. The reason, the premium has been exhausted.

Vice Governor of West Kalimantan Sanjaya Christiandy states have met this morning with Pertamina and the company guaranteed supply of fuel, both gasoline and diesel fuel, will return to normal in the afternoon.

While the parties are contacted separately Pertamina said it will soon overcome the scarcity of fuel. "As soon overcome," said Region VI Retail Sales Representative John Haidir Pertamina Kalimantan.

He said the fuel shortage is happening right now is the domino effect of events of the sinking of the ship channel Rahmatia Sentosa in the Kapuas River, although the ship since last Saturday has been moved 18 meters from the location of the sinking.

Area Sales Manager Kalbar Ibn Chouldum Pertamina said, had asked for the manager to add gas station operating hours to cope with these lines. "We've beroordinasi with the police that the fuel will be supplied until the evening," said Ibn Chouldum.

He continued, each pump will continue to be supplied by tankers with a capacity of eight kl and 16 kl.

While the types of diesel fuel needs in the area of West Kalimantan 650 kiloliters, while premium kiloliters 8000-9000.
Power By Kompas. com
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  • Wajdi
    Wajdi 10:44 AM

    This is Really A Disaster!

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