Military Council will lead Egypt for a while after the fall of president Hosni Mubarak. Before leaving Cairo with his family, Mubarak delegated authority to the Military Council. General Omar Suleiman, who is also Vice President of the former intelligence official, also gave this mandate to the Military Council.
The Council is led by Defense Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, together with Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Sami Anan, and Aviation Minister Ahmed Shafiq. Here are their profiles.
Hussein Tantawi
Field Marshal Tantawi became defense minister and chief of the Armed Forces of Egypt since 1991. Tantawi became the first Egyptian soldiers who held the rank of Field Marshal since 1989. Tantawi mentioned will be a serious challenger in the presidential elections in September. During the demonstration in 2011, he was promoted as Deputy Prime Minister.
Tantawi became the first government representatives who visited the Tahrir Square on February 4, 2011. He brought some military officials in that brief visit.
Reda Mahmoud Hafez Mohamed
Air Marshal Reda Mahmoud Hafez Mohamed the Egyptian Air Force Chief of Staff also became commander of the Air Force Eastern and Southern regions, since 2005. On July 1, 2007, he became Head of Operations and at the end of that year was appointed as Chief of Staff Air Force. He was removed and replaced by Magdy Galal Sharawi on March 20, 2008.
Hafez Sami Anan
Lieutenant General Sami Anan is the supreme leader of 468 thousand Egyptian soldiers. He plays crucial in coordinating the conditions of the interim government of Egypt.
Anand still in Washington during demonstrations there. He cut the visit and return to his country. Reportedly, the U.S. side asked Annan as key to the mediation process. Anan also mentioned an important figure to run the wheels of government had left Mubarak.
Several other members of the Military Council are: Air Defense Commander Lieutenant General Abd. Aziz Seif El-Eldeen and one of the leaders of the Navy, Vice Admiral Mohab Mamish
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