Move on i-Dog, there is a new robotic puppy happy to tapping into town and it's Wappy Dog. Wappy Dog is the latest innovation from Sega Toys. Sega Toys alongwith Activision Will Be releasing a new robotic dog alongwith a video game for the Nintendo DS. We got a hands-on with Wappy this week and eventhough it was only a prototype ... I already wanted to take him / her home and snuggle. Both Wappy inter acts with the video game and alone. You-can talk to and pet Wappy Wappy and with Each gesture or interaction - Wappy compromise responded by making noises, moving or just glowing colored lights on differential ITS Cheeks or eyes. So what is the technology behind this interaction? It's not WiFi or some type of infrared ... Actually it's sound. Yep, the beeps emitted while playing the video game have to compromise Wappy Reacting accordingly

Even if you can not take Wappy with you, travel with kids Wappy CAN VIRTUALLY by transfer ring His / her personality key in the game. The typical video game is a Nintendo DS game with the inclusion of mini-games but the fun part is That You Actually get to play games with Wappy! Wack a mole was never this fun! Wack as you, so does Wappy with ITS digital furry paw. Depends on if you win or lose, compromise Wappy respond accordingly. This is just one of many interactive mini-games - Bringing a whole new level of interactivity enter reality. You Can Also customize Wappy's name. Wappy especially because whatever you watch the robotic toy and responded to it. You Can Also accessorize Wappy in the DS game too. Wappy ages from a puppy to an adult dog but never compromise that. ... So no need to worry about Marley and Me Any moments.
Wappy is going to be a welcome addition under to your home. Adults and kids are going to love interacting with it and making this a long lasting relationship digital. Wappy Will Be debuting in the Fall and Currently pricing is TBD.

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